
Live from the Space Zoo!

Ahh the internet. It's so bittersweet. Just when we say "to hell with the internet" comes this amazing piece of technological goodshit.
Introducing ustream.tv

Knyphy, Klome and Don Froth broadcast live, playing everything from Dubstep/Garage/2-Step/

(Live Video/Audio/Chat)

So far we've broadcasted 4 shows between all of our studios, mine & Knyphy's taking the cake (imo), for one it being our house, but second the space we have and the adaptation of the Lomo fisheye lens for the web cam (which allows for video covering the entire room - meaning you can watch everyone in here!). These have been some of the funnest nights I've had in a while. Damn boys are funny!

One of our listeners, CIXXXJ, a homie of Don Froth's in Italy, took some screen grabs of last night's live broadcast - you can see we get hella goofy.

Brrnt! Live from the Space Zoo Brrnt! Live from the Space Zoo
Brrnt! Live from the Space Zoo Brrnt! Live from the Space Zoo

Smooth Fapps.

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